RICHMOND, Va. (JRAC) – October 26 – 27th, James River Air Conditioning had the opportunity to sponsor and participate in Mission Tomorrow presented by the ChamberRVA in partnership with Junior Achievement of Central Virginia.
“Eight grade is such a critical year for students as they are deciding on coursework pathways for their high school years and beyond.” ChamberRVA says about the event.
Mission Tomorrow is an event where every Richmond area 8th grader is bused to the RIR Raceway Complex to learn about the trades – HVAC, Electrical, Medical, Public, Safety, Heavy Equipment, etc.,
A team from James River Air was able to work our booth, meet the kids, and share great opportunities for joining the trades. The 8th graders were a great bunch, and it was very gratifying to share information about our business in a fun, interactive, interesting setting to over 7,000 Richmond area students.