The process of Retro commissioning a facility is essential for optimizing energy performance and ensures that all building systems perform together according to the building design intended and the owner’s operational needs.
Retro commissioning is a systematic process for identifying less-than-optimal performance in an existing facility’s equipment, lighting, control and process systems, and making necessary adjustments to promote energy savings. Whereas retrofitting involves replacing outdated equipment, Retro commissioning focuses on improving the efficiency of existing equipment. Retro commissioning projects can produce an average savings of 5-15% of total facility energy costs.
Many companies have significantly more savings than this estimate. These upgrades typically pay for themselves in energy savings alone within an average of less than two years. Retro commissioning Program projects are often combined with retrofitting efforts.
Program offers:
- A thorough building assessment by qualified engineering professionals
- A study of past utility bills
- Interaction among personnel to target comforts levels
- Diagnostic monitoring & functional test of building systems & analysis of these tests
- This process helps find and repair operational problems
- Technical support throughout the implementation process
- A final report, Retro commissioning plan, and schedule
Benefits from Program:
- A more productive facility for people and products
- More efficient building operations
- Longer equipment service life
- Fewer service and maintenance calls
- Lower energy bills
- Energy and depreciation savings in most cases will pay for any cost associated with the program.
By teaming up with JRAC Energy Group, we can provide cost effective ways to optimize your building performance, improve occupant comfort, and lowering utility bills.